Eyes Forward Open Heart

I started 2020 with the mantra, “Eyes forward, open heart.” Because here’s the thing. I have a really hard time with January, February, and March.

Hear me out.

We’ve got January, February, March – It’s cold (in Michigan), dark, heavy on the workload, and a long stretch of time before there’s a break in sight.

April, May, June – These months have it all! Spring comes out in full force and then (boom!) it’s summer! You get both spring break AND the start of summer break. Oh man, this is a good time.

July, August, September – Long summer days, beach time, trips, memories, plus a fresh start back at school in the fall. Good, good.

October, November, December – Cozy fall days with orchard trips and bonfires, fantastic holiday selection (Thanksgiving and Christmas, so lovely!).

So…I think you’re starting to see where I’m coming from here. I started to gear up for a positive attitude this January, and I posted my mantra, “Eyes forward, open heart.” I’m going to find the beauty in these months, even if it’s cold, dark, and dreary. No problem. I got this.

I totally didn’t see the global pandemic coming, but I have to say it really seems to confirm my theory here. Just when I thought I was close to finishing up March and greeting April with a big “Hello April!” the world has come to a standstill.

So, I remind myself everyday. Eyes forward. Open heart. We’ll get through this.